Monday, August 15, 2016

Miri 2016 - Muzium Petroleum

23/7/2016 - Sabtu


Petroleum Museum Miri is undoubtedly located in Miri, the second largest state in Sarawak, in East Malaysia. It is situated at one of the famous attractions in Miri, Canada Hill, or better known as Bukit Tenaga by the locals.


Petroleum Museum Miri was opened to public officially in the year of 2005, 20th of May. The museum opens every day except Mondays and every public holiday. It is opened from 9.00am to 4.30pm and the admission fee is free of charge. In the museum, there are various exhibits displayed that shows us the history of the petroleum industry in Sarawak and of course in the whole Malaysia. All displays are related to the petroleum industry including its contributions to the country. What not to miss is the popular Grand Old Lady located just outside of the museum. The Grand Old Lady is the first oil rig discovered and erected in Miri. This is one of the historical monuments in Miri. This famous monument has produced barrels and barrels of oil for a long 62 years from 1910 to the year of 1972. Then, you will see a model named the Nodding Donkey which is used to erect the crude oil. Next you have the site of Time Capsule. There are many exhibits and modals in the museum include a scaled oil platform, tools used back in the days to extract crude oil and definitely, the products made. History and the processes involve the extracting of the crude oil to the process and end products are all written down. On the top of Canada Hill, out of the museum, you can enjoy the fresh air and scenic view of Miri.
Dari Mini handicraft tadi, kami terus jer ber gps ke Muzeum petroleum. Rupa2nya xdak la jauh sgt pun. Tapi perjalanan ke sana agak mencabar sebab muzeum tu terbina di atas bukit. Best sgt view kat sana sbb boleh nampak hampir keseluruhan Bandar Miri.
Masa kat muzeum tu terserempak dgn geng2 sukma dari Negeri Pahang. Mula2 malu nak tegur, masing2 tolak kat si Fifa sbb dia org pahang kan. Dah tegur2 tu siap depa ajak bergambar sama2 lagi. Rupa2nya depa ni team kapal layar. Seronok sungguh depa dapat jalan2 kat Sarawak yer.
org depan nak beraksi ayu
tapi org belakang jadi macam2
bising dia kat kami....hahahaaa
sebelum turun dari muzium tu kami ke bahagian bukit yg sebelah lagi
ada kampung rupanya kat atas tu
sejuk jer atas tu...paling best ada dua pemandangan yg berbeza
dari satu sudut, pembangunan bandar miri
lagi satu pulak kehijauan yang masih terpelihara....mmg best!
Asal selpie mesti dia yg kena amik
sian dia.....terserlah kekembangan hidung tu :)
Banyak sungguh kami bergambar kat sini. Kalau boleh setiap sudut nak abadikan kenangan. X cukup2 berposing. Tak lama lps tu cuaca mula mendung dan hujan renyai2. Baru la kami berhenti bergambar dan bersiap untuk balik :)

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