Monday, August 10, 2020

New norm in life

 Semua pun asyik cakap, discuss, posting benda yg sama......

- fizikal distancing

- facemask

- online class

- update cases everyday

- new norm....etc

for polytechnic, we have our very own procedures on teaching and learning, rules, ect....that are strictly applied for every students, staff, and lecturers included the visitors.

Officially, all the classes start today which for me its nothing to complaint esp on our sides coz everything is provided for us. From the laptop, internet, place, everything is ok i guess :) . 

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Cerita Puasa 2025

 Tahun ni start puasa hari Ahad, so blh la beramai-ramai puasa dan berbuka dgn mak kat kg. Meriahnya jgn cakap la, smpai dh waktu nk berbuka...