Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Meaning of Rose Colors

ImageRED roses show love, passion and respect. Red roses of any color say "I love you"; deep red roses imply unconscious beauty. 
ImagePINK roses communicate happiness, appreciation, admiration, friendship, sympathy.

LIGHT PINK roses denote grace, joy, gentility and admiration.

ImageDARK PINK roses are to signify thankfulness.
ImageLAVENDER symbolizes love at first sight and enchantment.

ImageWHITE roses signify spiritual love and purity; but of the soul; bridal white means happy love. White roses can also signify secrecy reverence humility, innocence, or charm.

ImageYELLOW shows "I care"; friendship, joy, gladness or freedom.
ImageCORAL roses imply desire.
ImagePEACH roses indicate modesty.

 ORANGE display a feeling of enthusiasm, desire and fascination.

WHITE and RED roses mixed together signify unity.

RED and YELLOW rose together say "Congratulations!"

YELLOW and ORANGE in combination imply passionate thoughts.
 Other Messages From Roses

Delicate and Beautiful, the rose is the principal messenger of love.
A single rose denotes "I still Love you"
Two Roses of any color taped or wired together signify a commitment or forthcoming marriage.
In general, pale-colored roses signify friendship.
12 Roses - Gratitude
25 Roses - Congratulations
50 Roses - Unconditional Love
source : funonthenet

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