Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Selamat Hari Lahir Si Merah Delima

26 Nov 2014 - Rabu

Happy my one and only "baby besar" di sini.......Semoga rahmat ilahi sentiasa bersama kamu hingga ke akhirnya......luv u to the moon and back :)
Wishing you happiness
To welcome each morning,
Wishing you laughter
To make your heart sing.
Wishing you friendship
Sharing and caring,
And all of the joy
The birthday can bring!
 There couldn’t be a better day
To take a chance to say,
That you are wished a joy and luck
Be happy everyday!
wahhhhhhh..........keterujaan birthday girl dapat choc cake...sponsored by?? 
peminat tegar mr and mrs meow
ok....dah bertenang.....jom kita potong kek!
Hanya kami yg ada hari ini dan ketika ini :)

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