Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Crazy Unique Mugs

Coffee Bean Mug
With the exterior covered with coffee beans that fall together in intricate beauty, perfect for a hot mug of coffee!

Camera Lens Mug
This is an insane idea that would freak some of our Camera junky friends out when they see it. It resembles an extendable camera lens but is actually a mug that you could use for a hot cup of coffee or tea!

Face Mug
There is nothing like a couple of cookies while drink that hot cup of coffee, tea or Chocolate. And when you have a cup that can hold those cookies for you while you sip your beverage, it just brilliantly convenient!

Finger Cup
These are oddly eerie cups with fingers protruding out of the cups that, when held, looks like its holding on to your hands with interlocked fingers.

Slim Cup
These funky cups were designed for a project inculcating tradition and technology together. The Designer said his interpretation for this title was the way things get slimmer as technology moves forward.

Denture Mug
These resemble old people dentures. You would probably have to be careful while drinking out of them cause of the way the teeth are lined along the rim of the cup.

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Cerita Puasa 2025

 Tahun ni start puasa hari Ahad, so blh la beramai-ramai puasa dan berbuka dgn mak kat kg. Meriahnya jgn cakap la, smpai dh waktu nk berbuka...