Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Old Rich Man, the Young Man and the Apples

A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. 
The old guy fingered his expensive wool vest and said, "Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel." 
"I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents." 
"The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5:00 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I'd accumulated a fortune of $9.80." 
"After that," the old rich man continued, "I invested the $9.80 into a market stall so I could polish and display a lot more apples. I began making about $50 a month from then on." 
"Then my wife's father died and left us two million dollars."

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Cerita Puasa 2025

 Tahun ni start puasa hari Ahad, so blh la beramai-ramai puasa dan berbuka dgn mak kat kg. Meriahnya jgn cakap la, smpai dh waktu nk berbuka...